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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: No more - 24/02/2012 02:23

    No more. Lauren had a chance for a new life wholesale uggs and if he were patient that new life would revolve around him and Chloe. Even if her memory came back by then he would have welded her to his side, melded her into his being so she wouldn't wholesale ugg boots want to go back. Now that he knew she was not married or in a long term relationship he was free to stake his claim and give a chance for their relationship to flourish. He knew she was uggs wholesale attracted to him and for now that was enough to go on with. Love would surely follow.
     He hugged her tight still concerned about her deathly pallor and icy skin. He reached into his pocket for his mobile and ugg boots wholesale unconcerned at the lateness of the hour called in another favour from a long time friend.
     'Roger? Yes… I know what time it is. I need you at home. A special friend of mind is suffering, I think, from nike heels hyperthermia….No….she's not shivering…yes she's conscious…..but I still need you to look at her…I can't right now…. I owe you one.' Ethan replaced the phone and tried to rub some warmth into her frozen hands, holding her as close nike high heels as the seatbelts allowed. Ethan tried not to think about the doctors preferred course of treatment, his body's reaction totally inappropriate in the circumstances.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: Looking at her now - 24/02/2012 02:23

    It felt so good to have her in his arms nike dunk heels after the hours he had spent castigating himself while sculling poisonously strong coffee and making numerous phone calls before eventually tracking down the taxi driver. The agonizing wait while the driver dredged his memory for that one all important fare.
     Looking at her now he nike dunk heels wondered how he could have believed her to be a fake. Sure she didn't know who she was but he realised now that there is a core to every being, a code of ingrained ethics that is not lost even if specific memories are. nike high heels Numerous times she had shown herself to have a conscience, a strong sense of right and wrong. No one was so good an actress that they could hide their true self for so long. What you saw with Lauren was what she was - jordan high heels nothing more and definitely nothing less. How could he have accepted the so-called evidence that she was on the make without placing it under scrutiny? How could he not have questioned as he did now the contradiction between the Lauren he knew and the nike high heels Zoe of the report, between the Lauren so trusted by his wary Chloe and shrewd Darlene and the Zoe who may have callously driven a student to suicide. He was normally a patient man, meticulous in checking details. He had planned to confront Kate, nike heels hope however slim that there was some explanation that didn't destroy him. But the phone call had subjugated his reasoning ability, had made him lash out in pain, inflicting pain.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: I was wrong Lauren - 24/02/2012 02:23

    'I was wrong Lauren. Come on home and we'll get wholesale uggs you warm.'
     'Home? No. I don't live there anymore. You threw me out….remember?'
     'I'm sorry. I'll say I'm sorry all day, everyday if it will help.'
     With lifeless eyes she finally made eye contact with Ethan and pleaded 'I really don't remember… anything …nothing, Ethan.'
     'I know, sweetheart… I know.'
     Ethan gently folded Lauren into wholesale ugg boots his arms lifting her to the safe harbour of his chest and back into his life, one arm firmly under her legs and the other behind her back. Once again it was brought home to him how petite she was, as slight as a child. He grimaced at the memory uggs wholesale of pinning her to the wall, his leg thrust up between her thighs. What a hero. Her body felt like ice.
     David must have anticipated her state because he draped a thick travel blanket around the frozen form. Ethan smiled his thanks at his drivers' thoughtfulness then strode out of the ugg boots wholesale station tunnel into the even colder night air. Despite the rush to the station and the headlong dash checking each platform and tunnel raising his internal temperature the chill had begun to seep through his thick coat and he shivered. Odd. It was freezing and Lauren was clearly very cold wholesale uggs but she wasn't shivering. Then a hazy memory came to him. Something about not shivering being a sign of hypothermia. He quickened his pace towards the illegally parked limo on the path the few people still out walking after midnight clearly not impressed by. David had preceded him and had wholesale ugg boots swung the back door wide. Ethan maneuvered his precious cargo into the limo without letting go. Gingerly he placed Lauren on the seat and belted her in himself electing to stay in contact by clipping on the centre sash belt.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: Cathie ignored the matching sarong - 13/04/2012 06:46

Cathie donned the Louis Vuitton Outlet purple bikini dismayed to see not only how brief it was but how much it exposed her bruising. 'At least I'm colour coordinated.' she wryly told her reflection, her bruises and the bikini both purple. She was of the opinion that the bruises covered more skin than the material did. Discarding three T-shirts still thankfully with their tags nike heels on she found one of the two she had allowed Darlene to buy. It would have to do as camouflage as she hadn't thought to purchase a rash top and unfortunately neither had Darlene.

Cathie ignored the matching sarong, finding the one made of far less exotic and expensive fabric, and a straw hat, both her own choice. Silently she made her way down stairs. The plush carpet felt glorious under her tired feet. The staircase was negotiated nike high heels slowly as she had felt dizzy when she had dashed down them before, a legacy she supposed of the almost gone bump on her head.

Entering the family room the tiles felt blessedly cool on her tired, hot feet. She could see Chloe waiting impatiently on the pools edge and, thankfully, couldn't see her father.'bout time.' Chloe complained seconds before her feet red bottom heels hit the water.

Swimming underwater the little mermaid reached the other side put out by the fact that after a graceful dive Cathie had beaten her to it.'Can you dive? I can't, I only belly flops nike high heels and it hurts.'