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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Gr: They drove west - 05/05/2012 05:47

They drove west, away from DC. She watched the scenery turn from urban to rural and recognized the roads leading up to Skyline Drive, Chanel Outlet the scenic route running through the mountains of northern Virginia. The town car moved at a quick pace, bringing them to a mansion atop one of the private, gated drives tucked away from sight along Skyline Drive.

Czerno motioned her out of the car as it stopped in front of the Georgian-style manor house. It was full daylight, and she was already in pain despite the heavily tinted nike high heels windows.

The daylight almost dropped her to her knees. She staggered against the car, cringing away from Czerno as he snatched her arms and dragged her to the house. He released her and tossed his coat to a waiting maid before motioning her to red bottom shoes follow.

She followed, heart racing. She passed several men with guns hidden in the alcoves of doors as she walked. Upon passing the first, she realized they weren't men at all. No human's eyes glowed red, and their inhuman growls as she passed resembled those of animals. They watched her like they intended to make her their dinner. She hurried to follow Czerno, silently nike dunk heels praying Jake ratted her out to Damian.

There were two other men in the study Czerno led her to. The door closed behind her, and he pointed to a chair. She sat, taking in the Goth décor that made the study as welcoming as a graveyard. The other two men gazed at her. One was of medium height and slender, an older man with sharp green eyes the color of forest moss who seemed out of place in nike high heels the middle of the room. The second was closer to Han's age with midnight hair and eyes.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Gr: The Black God's southwest base camp - 07/05/2012 02:51

The Black God's southwest base camp"What the fuck are you doing here?"Two dropped his arms to his side."Water," he said."Slaves Chanel Bags don't drink the master's water."He felt the stinging blow at the back of his head and wobbled, dropping to his knees. One of his master's men - the ones with nike heels the red eyes - shoved him away and took his canteen, dumping its contents.

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"Two, what're you doing?"He didn't remember when this man had arrived or why he was supposed to remember him. But he knew he must remember him as he did his master. He concluded he was his master's friend, or he wouldn't be dunk heels His master's friend, the man with eyes as green as the moss in the corner of Two's room, stood in his doorway.

"I'm thinking, master.""Thinking?"His master's friend was powerful. Two nike high heels sensed it and cringed as he entered the room. His master's friend had never hit him, but he scared Two."Slaves don't think, Two," his master's friend said. "What are you thinking?

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Gr: So are you - 09/05/2012 03:08

"Yes, master," was the monotonous response."Tell the White God I send him greetings," the Watcher said and moved away from them.In a gentle chanel bags outlet flash of light, he was gone. Sofia released the breath she was holding and moved in front of Dustin, gazing up at him. Her hands shook.

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"There's alotta shit about our world you'll figure out," he promised her. "Watchers rarely cause us harm, but they rarely involve red bottom shoes themselves in our business either."His considering gaze returned to Darian."Don't worry, kiri. First things first. We need to evac now."

She nodded, sensing there was much he wasn't saying. He shepherded them to the library door, returning to his original purpose. She took Darian's hand and led him down the hall like the lost child he was. She braced herself against the memories running through his nike high heels head and the confusion as he tried to figure out where he was.

"You're safe, kiri," he said."So are you, Darian," she replied.As they strode into the gardens towards an awaiting helicopter, she couldn't help but think she'd just stepped into something far nike heels greater than she could ever imagine.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Gr: McKinnon had picked up her left hand - 10/05/2012 03:27

McKinnon had picked up her left hand and was idly playing with her Grandmother's ring. She found she enjoyed the warmth of his fingers touching nike heels her skin.

"Are you still with me?""Sure am. But where does the super-conscious and the thirty-three days come in?"

"The super-conscious is your highest self and retains the memory of what it was you wanted nike high heels to work on for soul development in this lifetime. It reviews your actions and choices and sends messages through profound dreams that occur in the deep sleep phase. These dreams usually are so different from your average dreams red bottom heels that they make a definite impression on you. Often they instruct you to do something you normally wouldn't consider. But remember, it is never wrong. And it is in agreement with your subconscious when it gives you directions, so the choice nike heels was actually yours, though you were unaware of making it. You still following me?"

"What about the thirty-three chanel bags days?"

"Thirty-three days is the normal human cycle. It takes thirty-three days from the inception of a thought to a completed decision - sort of like programming yourself. But in order to convert a thought into a reality, there must be agreement at all three levels. Since your conscious mind wants to retain control, you have to trick it. Thus the thirty-three day cycle of writing down whatever cheap ghd straighteners it is you want. The act of writing it passes it directly to your subconscious and it can get on with figuring out how it is to be accomplished."